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'Daily English'에 해당되는 글 21

  1. 2007.09.12 Daily English 2007.09.12
  2. 2007.09.06 Daily English 2007.09.06
  3. 2007.09.05 Daily English 2007.09.05
  4. 2007.08.28 Daily English 2007.08.28
  5. 2007.08.16 Daily English 2007.08.16
  6. 2007.05.14 Daily English 07.05.14
  7. 2007.05.02 Daily English 2007.05.02
  8. 2007.04.23 DailyEnglish 2007.04.23
  9. 2007.03.28 Daily English 2007.03.28
  10. 2007.03.22 Daily English 2007.03.22
2007. 9. 12. 10:49

Daily English 2007.09.12 생활/영어2007. 9. 12. 10:49


A : 이번 주말에 모해?
B : 별로. 그냥 집에 있을 거 같아. 요즘에 좀 우울하거든.
A : 오늘 밤에 영화나 볼까?
B : 좋아. 그런데 여자들이 좋아하는 영화나 신파영화는 피하자. 나 오늘밤에 정말 웃고 싶거든.

내가 한 것
A : What are you going to do on this weekend?
B : Well. I'm just going to be at home. I feel ???? these days.
A : How about catch a movie tonight?
B : Fine. but let's avoid the sad movie that women like. I'm really want to laugh tonight.

원래 것
A : What are you up to this weekend?
B : Not much. I think I'll just hang out around the house. I've been a little down in the dumps these days.
A : Do you want to catch a movie tonight?
B : Sure. Just make sure it isn't one of those chick flicks or tearjerkers. I really feel like laughing tonight.


1. I would like to __(A)__ our new business relationship so that it grows. 
(A) fluctuate
(B) cultivate
(C) intrigue
(D) manipulate 

  fluctuate  (정책,가격,온도) 계속 변화하다, 오르내리다, 동요하다, 불안정하다, 파도처럼 움직이다, 파동하다, ...을 파동시키다, 동요시키다,
  cultivate  (논,밭)을 갈다, (토지)를 개간하다. ...에 북주다, ...에 경운기를 사용하다. (기술,태도,질,관계를 증진하기 위해) 노력하다.
  intrigue   ...의 호기심을 자극하다, 흥미를 돋우다, ...을 당호케 하다, 어찌할 바를 모르게 하다
  manipulate (기계)를 잘 다루다, 조작하다, (사람, 여론 따위)를 조종하다, (시장,가격 따위)를 조작하다

2. The chief will __(D)__ the new project managers on Friday. 
(A) assign
(B) facilitate
(C) adapt
(D) designate 

  assign      ...을 (...에게) 할당하다, 배정하다, 재산을 위탁(양도)하다
  facilitate  ...을 용이하게 하다, ...을 촉진(조장)하다, (남)의 일 따위를 돕다
  adapt       ...을 적합시키다, 적응(순응)시키다, 순응하다, (환경따위에) 익숙해지다
  designate   가리키다, 지시(명시)하다, 나타내다, 의미하다, 명명하다, 칭하다, 부르다,지명을 받은

for 470

  1. 밝은, 빛나는, 눈부신
  2. 총명한, 영리한

  1. giving out or shining with much light.
  2. clever and quick to learn

  Bright colors and bold strokes characterize his early paintings.
  밝은 색과 굵은 줄무늬는 그의 초기 작품들의 특징을 이룬다.
  He's quite bright but he's not what you would describe as intellectual.
  그가 영리하긴 하지만 너가 얘기했던 지식인은 아니다.

  1. 지적인, 총명한
  2. 지식인

  1. having a highly developed ability to think, reason and understand
  2. someone who has a highly developed intellec and great mental ability

  Man is possessed of physical, intellectual and moral capabilities.
  인간은 육체적, 지적, 도덕적 능력을 갖고 있다.
  I never would have called him an intellectual.
  그 사람을 절대 지식인이라고 부르지 않았을 텐데

  머리가 좋은, 총명한, 영리한

  having or showing highly developed mental ability; clever

  He was an intelligent and docile pupil
  그는 똑똑하고 유순한 학생이었다.

for 730

  집박의, 야외의

  done, taking place, situated or for use, etc in the open air

  Birds in outdoor cages develop immunity to airborne bacteria
  바깥 새장에 있는 새들은 공기 전염을 통한 세균에 대한 면역을 기른다.

  쌓이다, 퇴적되다

  to lay or throw into a pile or heap; to heap up; to collect into a mass; to accumulate; to amass

  Sacks of dirt have been piled atop one another
  흙 주머니를 차곡차곡 쌓았다.

  우편의, 우체국의

  realting or beloging to the POST OFFICE to delivery of mail

  The postal van makes its' delivery every afternoon at three o'clock
  우체국 차는 매일 오후 3시에 배달을 한다.

for 860

  주장한(전해진) 바에 의하면

  according to someon's allegation

  She was allegedly involved in the murder
  전해진 바에 의하면 그녀는 살인 사건과 관련이 있다.

  1. 양자 택일의, 둘 중 하나의
  2. 달리 취할 길(방법), 대안

  1. said of, strictly speaking, two, but often used of more that two, possibilities;
     secondary of different, especially in therms of being less favourable as a choice.
  2. something that represents another possible option

  The alternative possibilities are surrender or fighting to the last.
  가능한 대안은 항복하던지, 끝까지 싸우던지 둘 중 하나다.
  The recent rise in fuel costs leaves us no alternative but to increase our prices by a like amount
  최근 기름값의 상승은 인상폭 만큼 가격을 올리는거 말고 대안이 없다.

  평가하다, 감정하다, 값을 매기다

  to decide the value or quality of (someone's skills, ability, etc)

  I had an expert appraise the houes beforehand.
  나는 미리 전문가에게 그 집을 감정하게 했다.

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.09.06  (0) 2007.09.06
Daily English 2007.09.05  (0) 2007.09.05
Daily English 2007.08.28  (0) 2007.08.28
Daily English 2007.08.16  (0) 2007.08.16
Daily English 07.05.14  (0) 2007.05.14
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 9. 6. 14:10

Daily English 2007.09.06 생활/영어2007. 9. 6. 14:10


1. What does “white elephant” mean?
a : an angry one
b : a depressing one
c : unofficial and illegal
d : something useless
white elephant 쓸모 없는 물건

2. What does “the black economy” mean?
a : a dangerous road or corner
b : very rich
c : unofficial and illegal
d : Very poor or a pauper

3. The Thompson sisters were as different from you and me as __________. 
a : red and blue
b : gray
c : a black spot
d : black and white

뭔가 구분이 분명하고 명확하다는 의미의 ‘흑백이 분명한’은 영어로도 black and white 라고 말한다

토익 문제 풀이

DUNCAN'S Restaurant is looking for several reliable people to join their kitchen staff.
We currently seek salad makers, breakfast cooks, and dishwashers.
Morning or evening shifts available.  No experience required.  Full or part time.
We welcome high school students and senior citizens.
Some weekend work required.
Benefits include meals, uniform and health insurance.  Apply in person from 2-5 p.m. weekdays.

던컨 식당에서는 주방에서 같이 일할 믿을 만한 사람을 구합니다.
샐러드 요리사, 아침식사 요리사, 그리고 설겆이 당번을 구합니다.
오전 또는 오후 근무 가능하시며, 경력은 없어도 되고, 종일 또는 파트타임으로 일할 수 있습니다.
고등학생이나 노인 분도 가능합니다.
가끔 주말에도 일을 할 수 있습니다.
급료 이외에 식사, 유니폼을 제공하며, 건강 보험에도 가입해드립니다.
지원하실 분은 주중에 오후 2~5시 사이에 직접 오시기 바랍니다.

currently 지금, 요즘
morning shift 오전 근무
in person 직접, 몸소

1. Which of the following is required to work at DUNCAN'S?
a : Previous restaurant experience
b : Working on weekends
c : A high school degree
d : Working at night

2. Which of the following do workers at DUNCAN'S NOT receive?
a : Clothes to work in
b : Free food
c : Uniform laundry service
d : Health insurance

for 470

  1. 두 배의, 이중의
  2. 두 배로 하다, 이중으로 하다.

  1. twice the weight, size, etc, or twice the usual weight, size, etc.
  2. to make or become twice as liarge in size, number, etc.

  She did double work yesterday.
  그녀는 어제 2배의 일을 했다.
  The number of small business loans processed by First Bank has doubled in recent years.
  최근 퍼스트 뱅크에 의해 처리된 중소기업대출이 배로 늘었다.


  an unintended consequence of any action in addition to the intended consequence of that action.

  Competition in some of the biggest pharmaceutical ersearch labs is fierce to be first with such side-effect inhibitors.
  약제 부작용 억제를 가장 먼저 개발하고자 하는 몇몇 의약연구소 간의 경쟁이 치열하다.

  3중의, 3배의

  three times as great, as much or as many.

  The police sealed off the palace with a triple security cordon, and extra Interior Ministry forces stood by.
  경찰은 3중의 경비선을 쳐 왕궁에의 접근을 봉쇄했으며 내무부 특별 병력이 대기하고 있었다.

for 730

  뒤쫒다, 추격하다

  to follow or go after them in an attempt to catch them.

  The B company gave chase to the retreating enemy.
  B 중대는 후퇴하는 적을 추격했다.

  1. (공장, 학교 따위)를 폐쇄하다, 닫다.
  2. ...을 종결하다, 완료하다; (모임 따위)를 마치다, 끝내다

  1. to shut
  2. to conclude; to come or bring to an end; to stop(dicussion, etc of something)

  India and Trukey also have closed thier embassies in Kabul in recent days.
  최근 인도와 터키 역시 카불 주재 대사관들을 폐쇄한 바 있다.
  If no one has any objection, I'll declare the meeting closed.
  아무도 반대가 없으면, 회의의 폐막을 선언하겠습니다.

  1. 가지도, 포함하다
  2. (부정어와 함께) 억누르다, 참다.

  1. to hold or be able to hold.
  2, to control(oneself or one's feelings)

  Meat can supply protein and iron, but contains little calcuim; calcium can be supplied by milk, but milk does not contain much iron.
  육류는 단백질과 철분을 제공하지만 칼슘은 거의 없다; 칼슘은 우유로부터 공급받을 수 있지만, 우유에는 철분이 별로 없다.
  I cannot contain my anger
  나는 화가 치밀어서 참을 수 없다.

for 860

tax break
  세제 특혜, 세금 우대 조치

  tax benefit

  The tax break for the middle class is good news for retail businesses.
  중산층에 대한 세제 특혜는 소비재 산업을 위해서는 좋은 소식이다.

  1. 고통을 주다, 괴롭히다.
  2. 고통, 고뇌, 골칫거리

  1. to cause grea pain, suffering or anxiety to someone or something.
  2. very great pain, suffering or anxiety

  It was wicked of you to torment the poor cat.
  네가 불쌍한 고양이를 괴롭힌 건 나빴다.
  He suffered torments from his aching teeth.
  그는 아픈 치아 때문에 고통을 받았다.

  정기 점검을 받다.

  make adjustments to an engine to imporve its performance

  This car shoulde be tuned up as soon as possible
  이 차는 가능한 빨리 정기 점검을 받아야 한다.

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.09.12  (0) 2007.09.12
Daily English 2007.09.05  (0) 2007.09.05
Daily English 2007.08.28  (0) 2007.08.28
Daily English 2007.08.16  (0) 2007.08.16
Daily English 07.05.14  (0) 2007.05.14
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 9. 5. 10:43

Daily English 2007.09.05 생활/영어2007. 9. 5. 10:43


1. ___(B)___ parking spaces are reserved for the exclusive use of the president, board members, and upper management.
(A) Assessed
(B) Designated
(C) Dismantled
(D) Enahanced

    지정된 주차 지역은 사장, 이사회 임원들, 고위 간부급들만을 위해 지정되어 있습니다.

designated 지정된
assessed 평가된, 부가된
dismantled 제거된, 분해된
enhanced 강화된

2. Even though I have no pressing business with Brintex International at the moment,
   it is essential I maintain good ___(D)___ with them
(A) relate
(B) relatives
(C) realtively
(D) relations

   비록 지금 브린텍스 인터내셔널사와 긴밀한 관계를 맺고 있지 않더라고, 그들과 좋은 관계를 유지하는 것은 꼭 필요한 일입니다.

   형용사 good의 수식을 받는 명사 자리

pressing 긴급한, 절박한
at the moment 현재, 바로 지금


A: 저기 공원 벤치에 있는 부랑자 봤어? 정말 어려워 보이더라.
B: 그래, 굉장히 곤경에 처해 있는 것처럼 보이더라. 그를 위해 우리가 뭘 해줄 수 있을까?
A: 누구나 때때로 도움의 손길이 필요하잖아. 가서 이야기를 좀 나눠보자.
   그 사람 마음을 좀 따듯하게 해줄 수 있지 않을까?
   그리고 슈퍼마켓에 데리고 가서 먹을 것을 좀 주면, 그 사람 배를 좀 채워 줄 수 있겠지.

# 정답 #
A:Do you see that hobo over there on the park bench? He must be really down on his luck.
B: Yeah, it looks like he's fallen on hard times. What do you think we could do for him?
A: Everybody needs a helping hand sometime.
   I think we ought to stop by for a little chit chat.
   That might warm up his heart and soul.
   Then maybe we could pick him up some grub at the supermarket.
   That might warm up his stomach.
B: That's a great idea. I'm sure the hot meal will hit the spot.

fallen on hard times : 곤경에 처하다, 어려운 시간을 보내다.
hit the spot : 말할 나위 없다, 만족스럽다.

# 내가 한 것들... 엉망.. ㅜㅜ #
A: Did you see that ' ' at the bench in the park? He looks really dirty
B : Yes, I saw him. It seems he has some trouble. What can we do for him?
B: 그래, 굉장히 곤경에 처해 있는 것처럼 보이더라. 그를 위해 우리가 뭘 해줄 수 있을까?
A : Sometimes everyone needs help from somebody. Let's go and talk with him
    Isn't that ...????
    Then we bring him to the supermarket, and buy some food

down on one's luck : 주머니 사정이 좋지 않은, 운이 나쁜
fall on hard times : 불운한 일을 당하다. 어려운 상황에 처하다.
chit chat : 잡담, 이야기
grub : 음식물, 식량
hit the spot : 말할 나위 없다, 만족스럽다.


A : How about a game of basketball?
A : 농구 한 게임 어때?
B : Do we have enough people to play?
B : 게임 할 만한 인원이 되나?
A : Yeah, a few guys from department downstairs want to join.
A : 물론, 아래층 부서의 몇 사람들도 하고 싶어해.
B : Sounds good. Count me in.
A : 좋아, 나도 끼워 줘.

A : What does 'RSVP' mean? It's written on the bottom of this invitation card.
A : 'RSVP'가 무슨 뜻이지? 여기 초대장 아래에 적혀 있는데...
B : It's French acronym. It means 'please respond' in English.(When translated in English, it means 'please respond')
B : 불어 약어로, '답장주세요' 라는 의미지.
A : I see. So, what do I have to say?
A : 아 그렇구나, 그럼 뭐라고 해야 되는데?
B : Before the party or event, you sholud contact to host to tell them whether or not you can attend
B : 파티나 행사 전에 주최자에게 갈 수 있는지 없는지 알려줘야 해.

토익 어휘
for 470

  1. (a를 붙이지 않고) 얼마 안되는
  2. (a 또는 다른 한정사와 함께 긍적적 의미로) 다소의, 소수의

  not many; a small number; hardly any

  A tailor by training, he settled in Ocean city, New Jersey, a Protestant town with few Italian-Americans.
  직업이 재봉사였던 그는 이탈리아 계 미국인이 별로 없는, 프로테스탄트 도시인 뉴저지 주 오션시티에 정착했습니다
  A few mirros can transform a dark room, making it look larger and lighter instatly.
  거울만 몇 개 있어도 어두운 방을 바꾸어 놓을 수 있는데, 방이 더 커 보이고 대번에 더 밝아 보인다.

   1. 조금, 약간

   a small peice, part or amount of something

   The train is a bit quicker that the bus.
   기차가 버스보다 조금 더 빠르다.

   1. ... 당, ... 마다

   for each

   We are currently negotiatin a 5 year contract worth more that $2 million per year.
   우리는 현재 매년 2백만 달러 이상의 가치를 창출하는 5년짜리 계약을 협상중에 있다.

for 730

   1. 음료, 마실 것

   a prepared drink, especially a hot drink(eg tea or coffe) or an alcoholic drink(eg beer)

   Anyone buying alcoholic beverages must present a valid ID
   알코올 음료를 주문하시는 분은 신분증을 제시하여야 합니다

    1. 울퉁불퉁한

 having a lot of bumps

 This road is terribly bumpy. It's death on tires.
 이 길은 지독하게 울퉁불퉁하다. 타이어가 터질 것 같다.

    1. 운반하다, 나르다.
    2. 떠받치다, 지탱하다, 유지하다.

 to hold something in one's hands, have it in a pocket, bag etc
 or support its weight on one's body, while moving from one place to another.
 to support

 The man retained carrying  dangerous bags.
 남자는 위험한 가방들을 옮기는 것을 보류했다.
 Those columns carry the roof.
 그 원주들이 지붕을 떠받치고 있다.

for 860

    1. 뾰족탑(이 있는 건물)
 a tower, especially one with a spire, that forms part of a church or temple.

 A steeple is a tower attached to a building
 뾰족탑은 건물에 부탁된 탑이다.

    1. 분쟁, 충돌; 불화, 반목, 적대; 싸움, 투쟁, 쟁의

 bitter conflict or fighting

 It was a bitter strife between the two rivals.
 그것은 두 라이벌 간의 처절한 투쟁이었다.

    1. 하위의, 종속하는
    2. 부하, 하급자

 lower in rank, importance, etc; secondary.
 someone or something that is characterized by being lower or secondary in rank, status, importance, etc.

 Everything else is subordinate to the need for conseving heat.
 다른 모든 것은 열기의 보전에 대한 필요성에 종속하는 것이다.
 Never one to admit error, he passed the buck to his subordinate
 결코 잘못을 시인할 위인이 아닌 그는 책임을 부하들에게 떠넘겼다.

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.09.12  (0) 2007.09.12
Daily English 2007.09.06  (0) 2007.09.06
Daily English 2007.08.28  (0) 2007.08.28
Daily English 2007.08.16  (0) 2007.08.16
Daily English 07.05.14  (0) 2007.05.14
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 8. 28. 10:51

Daily English 2007.08.28 생활/영어2007. 8. 28. 10:51

1. This sentence is difficult to understand. ___C___?
  a. What's mean this word?
  b. What is this word mean?
  c. What does this word mean?
  d. What is meaning this word?

2. I think we can go out now. ___C___.
  a. It hardly rains.
  b. It doesn't rain any more.
  c. It's not raning any more.
  d. It is always raining.

3. 다음 중 틀린 문장은?
  a. BMW is seriously considering taking over Volvo.
  b. I am agreeing with you that people should be more careful with their private information.
    => agree 와 같이 선호도, 마음이 상태 등을 나타내는 동사들은 ~ing 형으로 거의 사용되지 않는다.

  c. She is appearing in a play on Broadway at the moment.
  d. I am not liking my new job at all.

1. New members ___A___ the health club are eligible for special benefits.
  a. of
  b. on
  c. with
  d. through

  문맥상, ‘헬스클럽의 새로운 회원들은 특별한 혜택을 받을 자격이 있다’라고 해석이 되야 함
  of는 소유격의 의미로 ‘~에 속한’이란 의미가 있다.

  be eligible for ~의 자격이 있다 / benefit 혜택

2. Farmers are greatly ___A___ about the apparent lack of competitiveness of their products in world markets.
  a. concerned
  b. interested
  c. suitable
  d. satisfied

  be concerned about ~에 대해 걱정하다
  be interested in ~에 관심이 있다
  be satisfied with ~에 만족하다

for 470

  진로, 코스, 경과, 과정, 진행, 순서

  the path in which anyone or anything moves.
  the normal progress of something.

  He recommended a more northerly course than usual to avoid strong headwinds.
  그는 강풍을 피하기 위해서 평소에 이용하는 코스보다 북쪽 코스를 추천했다.
  Let things run their course.
  진행되는데로 냅둬라.

  과정, 절차, 변화, 진행, 방법, 조치, 제조법, 공정

  a series of operations performed during manufacture, etc.
  a series of stages which a product, etc passes throught, resulting in the developement or transformation of it.

  At the meeting, Bhatia discussed recent developements in the Middle East peace process.
  회의에서, 바티아는 최근 동아시아 평화 협상에 대해서 토의했다.
  The process requires sustaining temperatures of nearly 600 degress C for over an hour.
  그 공정은 한시간동안 섭씨 600도에 달하는 온도를 유지시켜야 한다.

  이유, 동기, 근거, 변명, 핑계, 결론을 짓다, 판단을 내리다

  a justification or motive for an action, belief, etc.
  to use one's mind to form opinions and judgements, reach logical conclusions, debuce, etc.

  The most important reason for attending the conference is to make new professinoal contacts.
  회의에 참석한 가장 중요한 이유는 새로운 전문가들과의 관계를 맺기 위함이다.
  We reasoned that he was guilty.
  우리는 그가 유죄라고 결론 냈다.

for 730

  ~에 종사하다, 몰두하다, ~와 약혼중이다.

  to take someone on as a worker.
  agreed to be married

  She is engaged in foreign trade.
  그녀는 무역업에 종사하고 있다.
  He engaged himself to my cousin.
  그는 나의 사촌과 약혼했다.

  전체의, 전부의

  whole or complete

  Checking the entire report for mistakes was a laborious business.
  실수에 대해서 전체 보고서를 검토하는 것은 힘든 일이었다.

  장비, 설비

  whatever is used in equipping

  The manual specifically cautions against using the equipment in that manner.
  매뉴얼은 그런식의 장비 사용에 대해 경고하고 있다.

for 860

  영양물, 음식물

  to supply someone or something with food needed for suvrival and growth.

  Plants get nourishment from the soil.
  식물은 토양에서 영양을 얻는다.

  애매한, 분명하지 않은, 흐리게 하다, 가리다.

  not clear; hidden; difficult to see.
  to make something dark or dim.

  My friend mumbled some obscure reason for being late.
  내 친구는 늦은 이유에 대해서 애매하게 중얼중얼 거렸다.
  The mountains were obscured by a thick veil of haze.
  산이 두꺼운 안개 때문에 가려졌다.

  장해(물), 방해(물)

  something or something that obstructs, or hinders or prevents advance.

  The clearing of obstacles out of the way is needed urgently.
  길밖의 장해물을 빨리 치워야 한다.


'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.09.06  (0) 2007.09.06
Daily English 2007.09.05  (0) 2007.09.05
Daily English 2007.08.16  (0) 2007.08.16
Daily English 07.05.14  (0) 2007.05.14
Daily English 2007.05.02  (0) 2007.05.02
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 8. 16. 10:14

Daily English 2007.08.16 생활/영어2007. 8. 16. 10:14

1. 팩스기에 종이가 끼었다?
  - The paper was jammed.

2. 네 개의 단어 중 나머지 셋과 구별되는 한가지는?

a : flabby (늘어진, 딴딴하지 못한, 힘이 없는, 연약한, 활기없는)
b : plump  (풍만한, 통통한, 쓰러지다, 주저않다)
c : lean   (굽히다, 기울다, 경사지다, 몸을 구부리다, 여위, 마른, 여위게 하다, 지방이 적은)
d : obese  (뚱뚱한, 살찐, 비만체의)

a : lethal   (죽음을 초래하는, 치사의, 치명적인, 파괴적인)
b : fatal    (치명적인, 생명에 관계되는)
c : deadly   (생명에 괸계되는, 치명적인, 집념이 강한, 살려 둘 수 없는)
d : immortal (죽지 않는, 불사의, 불후의, 불멸의, 영원한)

a : crescent (초승달, 신월, 상현달, 초승달 모양의)
b : zephyr   (미풍, 산들바람, 얇은, 서풍)
c : breeze   (산들바람, 미풍)
d : wind     (바람, ..의 냄새를 맡다, ...을 바람에 말리다, ...을 바람에 쐬다)

word for 470

tension(긴장, 불안, 장력, 팽창력, 압력)
  . mental or emotional strain, excitement or anxiety, usually accompanied by phsical symptoms.
  . a force which causes a body to be stretched or elongated

  A mother feels tension when her baby is sick
  엄마는 아기가 아플때 긴장한다.
  Snoring sounds are causesd by tissue inside the back of the mouth losing tension during sleep and partly blocking the flow of air
  코고는 소리는 자는 동안 입안 뒤쪽 조직의 장력이 사라져 부분적으로 공기의 흐름이 차단되면서 생긴다.

tolerance(관용, 관대, 내성)
  . the ability bo be fair towards and accepting of other people's religious, political, etc beliefs or opinions.
  . the ability of a plant or animal to survive extreme environment conditions, eg drought or low temperature

  His tolerance of their repeated bad behavior surprised us.
  그들의 나쁜 행동에 대한 그의 관용은 우리를 놀라게 했다.
  Vegetation with a low salt tolerance should be located farther away from these areas.
  소금에 대한 내성이 적은 식물은 이런 지역으로부터 멀리 떨어져야 한다.

touch(~에 대다, 건드리다, 만지다, ~을 감동시키다)
  . to bring something, such as a hand, into contact, usually lightly, with something else
  . to cause (someone) to feel sympathetic or grateful

  For example, do not touch any metal object
  예를 들면, 어떤 금속 제품도 만지지 마시오.
  A Christmas Carol is a touching story
  크리스마스 캐롤은 감동적인 이야기이다.

word for 730

favor(호의, 친절, 지지, 찬성)
  . something you do to help someone, often after being asked to
  . approval or support of someone or something

  If he does you a favor, you should do him a favor. One good turn deserves another.
  그 사람이 당신에게 호의를 베풀면, 당신도 그에게 호의를 베풀어여 한다. 가는 정이 있으면 오는 정이 있는 법이다.
  An overwhelming majority have voted in favor of the proposal.

fever(열, 발열)
  . in humans: any rise in body temperature above the normal level, usually acommpanied by shivering, thrist and headache

  A peron is said to have a fever when his or her body temperature is highter than that
  사람의 체온이 이보다 높을 경우 열이 있는 것이다.

final(마지막의, 최종의)
  . occurring at the end; last in a series, after all the others

  The Safety and Risk Department will soon release its final report
  안전/위험국은 곧 최종 보고서를 발표할 예정이다.

word for 860

intimate(친밀한, 친한, 사이가 좋은)
  . marked by or sharing a close and affectionate friendship

  His rival was also his otherwise intimate friend
  그의 라이벌은 한편 그의 친한 친구이기도 했다.

inventory(재고, 재고품 목록)
  . a formal and complete list of the articles, goods, etc found in a particular place, eg of goods for sale in a shop, or of furniture and possessions in a house

  The report also said wholesalers trimmed their inventories in September by 0.1 percent
  보고서는 도매상들이 그들의 재고가 9월에 0.1% 줄었다고 보고했다.

landlord(지주, 집주인)
  . a man who rents property out to a tenant or tenants.

  She withheld her rent until the landlord agreed to have her drains unblocked.
  그녀는 집주인이 하수구를 뚤어줄 때 까지 집세 내는 것을 보류했다.

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.09.05  (0) 2007.09.05
Daily English 2007.08.28  (0) 2007.08.28
Daily English 07.05.14  (0) 2007.05.14
Daily English 2007.05.02  (0) 2007.05.02
DailyEnglish 2007.04.23  (0) 2007.04.23
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 5. 14. 10:01

Daily English 07.05.14 생활/영어2007. 5. 14. 10:01

A : You made a name for yourself in business, have a beautiful home and a wonderful family.
    I'm really impressed with all that you've been able to accomplish at such a young age.
B : Thank you. It was really nice to be able to retire at the age of thirty-five.
A : I have to ask you how you were able to do so much. Do you think a lot of it was due to good luck?
B : I have been lucky, but more importantly, I've always kept my eye on the ball.
    I knew what I wanted and did not give up until I had it.

A : 너 사업으로 유명해졌구나, 멋진 집과 가족이 있잖아.
    네가 그렇게 젊은 나이에 모든 것을 가지게 되었다는 게 정말 놀라워.
B : 고마워, 난 35살에 은퇴하는게 꽤 괜찮은 일이라고 봐.
A : 어떻게 그렇게 많은 것을 가능하게 했어? 모든 것이 운이 좋았던 거라고 생각하니?
B : 운도 좋았지만, 더 중요한 것은, 난 항상 방심하지 않았어.
    내가 원하는 것을 알았고, 그것을 얻을 때까지 포기하지 않았지

make a name : 이름을 날리다
keep my eye on the ball : 방심하지 않다, 지켜보다

  : a passageway connecting parts of a building or off which rooms open.
  : Ahead of me the main corridor ended in a narrow twisting staircase.

  : any micro-oraganism, especially a bacterium that is capable of causing disease.

  : 1. complete; absolute or downright, 2. so thin or fine as to be almost transparent
  : He succeeded by dint of sheer hard work
    She wore a sheer white dress.

  : 1. to walk in a slow leisurely way. 2. a leisurely walk
  : Just after dawn he went for a solitary stroll through the gardens.
  : When I invited him to go for a stroll, he said he was too tired to walk.

  : unsuccessful
  : The abortive plan was a complete failure.

1. This intimate event, _____ at the luxurious resort in LA, is a gathering of the industry's most influential "thought-leaders".
(A) locating
(B) locate
(C) location
(D) located

 - , 와 , 사이에는 수식어구
 - 과거분사 + 전치사구

 gathering : 모임
 intimate : 친밀한

2. The corporation will no longer be _____ to dump manufacturing residues into any local waterways.
(A) allowed
(B) to allow
(C) allowing
(D) allowance

  - allow 목적어 to RV == 수동태 ==> be allowed to RV

  residue : 찌꺼기, 잔류물
  waterways : 수로


'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.08.28  (0) 2007.08.28
Daily English 2007.08.16  (0) 2007.08.16
Daily English 2007.05.02  (0) 2007.05.02
DailyEnglish 2007.04.23  (0) 2007.04.23
Daily English 2007.03.28  (0) 2007.03.28
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 5. 2. 11:23

Daily English 2007.05.02 생활/영어2007. 5. 2. 11:23

herbal medicine
  - 약초학
  - a oriental [herb] medicine
  - She knows quite a lot abount herbal medicines.

  - ..을 매우 두려워하다[겁내다], 공포; 걱정, 불안
  - to look ahead to something with dread, great fear or apprehension
  - The dread that the volcano may erupt again.
  - He shuddered with dread.

  - 예시하다, 예가 되다
  - to be an example of something
  - This work exmplifies his craftsmanship.

  - 절약하는, 검소한
  - thrifty; economical
  - As children we were taught to be frugal and hardworking.

A : Sam, Can I steal you a second? It's really important.
B : Sure. What's the deal?
A : I just wanted to let you know that I need that money that I lent you.
    I really have to pay some bills and I'm a little short on coin these days.
B : I'm pretty tight these days, but I'll see what I can do. I'll get back to you tomorrow about it, okay?
A : Alright, but I'm serious about this. Don't go blowing me off.
B : Don't worry. I won't let you down.

pretty tight = short on coin : (경제적으로) 어려운
blow me off : (화가 나서) 폭발해 버리다.

1. Officials at the plant deined the charges, but _____ discovered that Ryder has illegally
   disposed of industrial waste in the nearby river over the two years.

(A) rights
(B) authorities
(C) intention
(D) responsibilities

2. The project would not be finished _____ thet endless efforts of the dedicated employees
   and the volunteers who are willing to give so much to help us.

(A) so as
(B) in that
(C) if not for
(D) as to

 명사구를 수식하는 전치사
 if not for == if it had not been for = without

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.08.16  (0) 2007.08.16
Daily English 07.05.14  (0) 2007.05.14
DailyEnglish 2007.04.23  (0) 2007.04.23
Daily English 2007.03.28  (0) 2007.03.28
Daily English 2007.03.22  (0) 2007.03.22
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 4. 23. 14:05

DailyEnglish 2007.04.23 생활/영어2007. 4. 23. 14:05


  a large piece of cloth or cardboard, with a design or slogan, etc, carried or displyed at public meetings and parades.
  of the first class[rank, rate, order]; one of the best

  The students carried banners.
  Last year was a banner year of my life.

  something that cannot be doubled or is bound to happen

  I'm unable to answer that question with any certainty

  the practical use of scientific knowledge in industry and everyday life

  The tecchnology exists to complement and amplify the human mind.

  a change or passage form one condition, state, subject, place, etc to another

  His life was a transition from poverty to power

  the state of being watchful or observant

  The minister warned that vigilance against terroism must not be relaxed

  to support, defend or maintain, especially against opposition

  We must uphold the right of free speech.

1. Send a _______ of your submission to the applicant named and the corresponding address below.
(A) duplication
(B) duplicate
(C) duplicates
(D) duplicating

duplication : (불가산명사) 복사, 이중, 중복
duplicate   : (가산명사) 복사본, 복제품

2. The spin brand is a _____ recognized name in the industry and would strengthen our existing portfolio.
(A) wide
(B) widely
(C) widen
(D) width

어순 : 관사 - 부사 - 형용사 - 명사

A : I think I should make a list of the pros and cons of getting back together with my ex-girlfriend.
B : That's brilliant. I'd love to get together and corroborate on this little project of yours.
    It'll be a blast. Where should we start?
A : Wait a sec. I'll grab my notebook and we can really break down the whole situation.
    I really appreciate you giving me a hand
B : No problem... you've always been a great friend to me.
A : Ditto.

pros and cons : 좋은점과 나쁜점
corroborate : 확실히 하다, 증거하다
be a blast : 신나다, 재밌다

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 07.05.14  (0) 2007.05.14
Daily English 2007.05.02  (0) 2007.05.02
Daily English 2007.03.28  (0) 2007.03.28
Daily English 2007.03.22  (0) 2007.03.22
Daily English 2007.03.14  (0) 2007.03.14
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 3. 28. 09:56

Daily English 2007.03.28 생활/영어2007. 3. 28. 09:56

A : Hey, sis. What did we say about sharing personl info with a relator?
    Once they think you've got cash, they jack up the price.
B : All I said was I worked at a brokerage firm.
A : Look, just stick to the plan. Choosing the house is your thing, haggling is mine.
B : Fine.

A: 누나. 부동산중개업자에게 사적인 이야기 하는 거에 대해, 우리 어떻게 얘기했었지? 일단, 그들은 누나가 돈이 있다고 생각하면, 가격을 엄청나게 올린다고 했잖아.
B: 나는 내가 투자회사에서 일한다는 이야기만 했어.
A: 알겠어, 그냥 계획대로 하자. 집을 선택하는 건 누나고, 흥정은 내가 하는 거야.
B: 알았어.

brokerage firm : 투자회사
stick : 고수[고집]하다, (약속등을)충실히 지키다
haggle : (값, 조건 등을) 끈질기게 깎다

1. We ought to make _____ for the fact that there are language and culture gaps between us.
(A) eliminations
(B) reservations
(C) missions
(D) allowances

make allowances for ~을 고려하다
elimination 제거

2. Greer, who had invested in both earlier rounds, stayed with Federal Express for what became a ____ lucrative investment for the VC firm.
(A) very
(B) well
(C) too
(D) much

very : (형용사/부사)의 원급 수식
         현재분사, 형옹사화한 과거분사 수식
         the very + 최상급
well : 능동과 수동의ㅡ 동사 수식
        수동의 과거 분사 수식
        전치사 구/부사절 수식
too  : 부정적 의미
much : (형용사/부사)의 비교급/최상급 수식
         과거분사, 서술적으로만 쓰는 형용사 수식
        동사/too 수식
        much the + 최상급
so   : very와 거의 의미가 겹침
        that과 함께 쓰임(so ~ that ... 너무 ~ 해서 그 결과 ... 하다)
enough : 후치수식
invest in : ~에 투자하다
stay with : ~와 관계를 유지하다
lucrative : 유리한
VC(Venture Capital) : 벤처투자

3. The kids _____ about going to the zoo. They're looking forward to seeing the lions and other animals.
a : excited
b : are exciting
c : were exciting
d : were excited

excite : 흥분시키다

4. I love scuba diving. Undersea life _____ !
a : fascinates
b : is fascinating
c : fascinated
d : is fascinated

fascinate : 매혹하다, 황홀하게 하다

5. This felt-tip pen _____ really well!
   The door _____ by the janitor
a : writes - open
b : is written - was opened
c : writes - was opened
d : is written - open

수동형은 두 대상 사이의 인과관계가 분명한 경우에 쓰임

6. In an earlier statment, the governor made it clear that he opposes taxes on Internet _____.
a : servants
b : opponents
c : accusations
d : transactions

statement : 성명(서)
governor : 주지사
make it clear that ~ : ~을 분명히 하다
oppose : 반대하다
opponent : 반대자
accusation : 비난, 고소

7. After comparing several computerized billing systems, I find the Dyna-Bill to be the most _____ for our applications
a : billable
b : payable
c : suitable
d : comparable

suitable for : ~에 적합한
billable : 기소할 수 있는

8. A recent survey found that nearly half of unmarried people read a newspaper _____ eating breakfast.
a : over
b : while
c : during
d : as long as

over, during : 전치사
as long as + 절
over : ~ 하면서

9. The failure analysis found that the main system and the backup _____ not properly synchronized
a : did
b : were
c : could
d : should

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.05.02  (0) 2007.05.02
DailyEnglish 2007.04.23  (0) 2007.04.23
Daily English 2007.03.22  (0) 2007.03.22
Daily English 2007.03.14  (0) 2007.03.14
Daily English 2007.03.13  (0) 2007.03.13
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 3. 22. 09:26

Daily English 2007.03.22 생활/영어2007. 3. 22. 09:26

civil engineering
=> a study of the repair, planning and building of public buildings such roads, bridges, harbours
=> The US Civil Engineering Research Foundation operates a clearinghouse that tracks the development of
   new technologies and materials and informs industries in other countries of their uses and availability.

=> a straight line connecting any two vertices of a polygon that are not adjacent
=> Mr.Lee drew a diagonal with fine brush.

=> causing harm or injury
=> He believes that the relentless push for economic growth is deeply damaging to the environment.

epic tale
=> a story which is alike a long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds.
=> One reviewer called the film "a truly epic tale - a masterpiece and a classic."

relief crops
=> A team who transports the sick or injured
=> Another Austrailian relief crops was wounded

bad property
=> illegal loan
=> Due to bad property and commercial loans in the early 1990's,
   the entire banking systems of some Scandinavian cuontries had to be baild out by government regulators.

1. Last Thursday, while Gray _____ home from work, he _____ control fo his steering and hit another car.
   He wasn't hurt, but his car was damaged.

  a : drove - lost
  b : wasdriving - was losing
  c : was driving - lost
  d : drove - was losing

2. Elena : You're late again, Steve. Where the hell were you?
   Steve : Sorry. I ____ for a place to park.

  a : look
  b : am looking
  c : looked
  d : was looking

3. Last night I _____ a noise and woke up.
   There was a storm outside and the branches of the trees _____ the window.

  a : heard - were scraping
  b : was hearing - scraped
  c : heard - scraped
  d : was hearing - were scraping


'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

DailyEnglish 2007.04.23  (0) 2007.04.23
Daily English 2007.03.28  (0) 2007.03.28
Daily English 2007.03.14  (0) 2007.03.14
Daily English 2007.03.13  (0) 2007.03.13
Daily English 2007.03.12  (0) 2007.03.12
Posted by 뽀기