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'Daily English'에 해당되는 글 21

  1. 2007.03.14 Daily English 2007.03.14
  2. 2007.03.13 Daily English 2007.03.13
  3. 2007.03.12 Daily English 2007.03.12
  4. 2007.03.05 Daily English 2007.03.05
  5. 2007.02.28 Daily English 2007.02.28
  6. 2007.02.22 Daily English 2007.02.22
  7. 2007.02.21 Daily English 2007.02.21
  8. 2007.02.20 Daily Englinsh 2007.02.20
  9. 2007.02.15 Daily English 2007.02.15
  10. 2007.02.01 Daily English 07.02.01
2007. 3. 14. 09:41

Daily English 2007.03.14 생활/영어2007. 3. 14. 09:41

=> all the things made of silver, especially the cutlery and dishes in a house
=> The hotel silverware was specially designed by Grieve and Co.

=> the act of coming or being put ashore or of returning to the ground.
=> We had an emergency landing.

=> to be deprived of
=> Guests failing to notify management of staying over will be assessed a fee of three dollars, and will forfeit their key deposit of an additional two dollars.

=> determined in character, action or ideas
=> She resolutely refused to learn about computers

=> imporvoed or increased the value, quality or intensity of something
=> It is also belived that eyesight will be able to be enahanced by this advancement.

=> an educational software
=> Use electronic bulletin boards, e-mail, computer-based video conferencing, decision-support software, multimedia courseware, and more.

=> the capacity for, or the state of, patient toleration
=> Cross training is good for building speed and endurance.

=> warm and sincere; friendly
=> His personal relations with Callaghan were far more cordial than they had ever been.

=> to clear the bottom of deepen ( the sea or a river) by bringing up mud and waste
=> Scientists say the best way to remove the polluted sediments from the river bed is by dredging.

A : Oh, it's a lonely world, Lily.
B : I thought you were over her.
A : I was. I am. She was still maybe my best friend and the only childhood friend that I kept.
    I don't know. I just don't do well with birthdays.
B : I hear they're throwing you a big party. Sometimes you got to let the world be a party.

A : 옆구리가 시리네요, Lily.
B : 그녀를 잊었는 줄 알았는데.
A : 잊었어요. 그럴거고. 그녀는 아직 내 어린시절을 함께한 유일한 친구이고, 최고의 친구에요. 글쎄요. 생일날은 정말 싫어요.
B : 친구들이 큰 파티를 열어준다고 들었는데, 가끔은 그냥 세상을 즐겨봐요.

1. I very much appreciate the __________ extended to me when I visited your company last week.
(A) altruism
(B) cultivation
(C) fondness
(D) hospitality

extend : 베풀다
altruism : 애타주의, 이타주의 <-> egoism : 이기주의
cultivation : 경작, 개간, 교화, 양성
fondness : 애호, 애정, 맹목적인 사랑
hospitality : 환대, 후한 대접, 호의

2. The data we obtained on the seismic activities of the volcanin island seem to be consistent with _____ findings.
(A) quick
(B) before
(C) done
(D) past

명사를 수식할 형용사 자리

before : 부사
done : 명사 뒤에서 상태 등을 설명

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.03.28  (0) 2007.03.28
Daily English 2007.03.22  (0) 2007.03.22
Daily English 2007.03.13  (0) 2007.03.13
Daily English 2007.03.12  (0) 2007.03.12
Daily English 2007.03.05  (0) 2007.03.05
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 3. 13. 09:24

Daily English 2007.03.13 생활/영어2007. 3. 13. 09:24

=> specifically; especially
=> She looks particularly attractive today.

=> legally declared unable to pay one's debts
=> The notice in the newspaper indicated that Data Systems was going bankrupt

=> relating to, concerned with, or engagaed in such sale of goods
=> Retail prices showed a 4% jump in February

=> uninteresting; lacking liveliness
=> Her story was dull.

=> something which is not sincere or not real
=> He can tell it's a phony

=> cheerful compliance
=> Yet given time and the willingness to make a substantial investment, the American market can be penetrated.

=> liable to catch fire and burn readily
=> Compressed gas cylinders must be stored a minimum of 20 feet from combustible material such as grease, oil, paint, etc.

=> to enact again; to act or perform something on stage or in real life again.
=> Today we will have a chance to visit historic Fort Williams, where we will see a Revolutionary War battle reenacted, and later have lunch.

=> an irrational fear of being in confined spaces, e.g. lifts, tunnels
=> He sufferes from claustrophobia so he never travles on underground trains.

a : He visited the town which he was born in.
b : He visited the town in which he was born in.
c : He visited the town where he was born.
d : He visited the town in which he was born.

in which = where

Two movies, _______ I had ever heard of before, were playing at the cinema
a : which
b : with which
c : neither of them
d : neither of which

a : Everything ______ I said was true. Believe me!
b : You know I'll always be right by your side until the day ______ I die.
c : Larry did really well on TOEFL, ______ surprised his English teacher.
d : The reason _____ I'm calling you is just to say hello.

extra information 을 의미하는 comma 뒤에 오는 관계대명사는 which

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.03.22  (0) 2007.03.22
Daily English 2007.03.14  (0) 2007.03.14
Daily English 2007.03.12  (0) 2007.03.12
Daily English 2007.03.05  (0) 2007.03.05
Daily English 2007.02.28  (0) 2007.02.28
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 3. 12. 13:01

Daily English 2007.03.12 생활/영어2007. 3. 12. 13:01

A : What can I do for you?
B : Well, I was thinking about a little collagen. I've heard about fat injections.
A : We don't do fat injections. Get lumpy
B : So, I was thinking about these wrinkles. Now, I know that they'are not really noticeable
A : No! I can see them clear as day.

A : 어떤 걸 봐드릴까요?
B : 콜라겐을 생각해봤는데요. 지방 삽입에 대해 들어봤거든요.
A : 지방 삽입은 안합니다. 울퉁불퉁 해지거든요
B : 이 주름들도 생각해봤는데요. 머. 지금은 잘 안보이기는 하지만.
A : 무슨 소리에요. 아주 잘 보여요.

(as) clear as day : 대낮처럼, 아주 명백한
lumpy : 울퉁불퉁한

a : An atheist is a person who doesn't believe in God.
b : I like movies that have happy endings.
c : I don't remember that he said
d : The car which Craig bought uses a lot of gas.

the thing that = what

a : I met a woman who brother is a famous politician
b : I have never seen her since the day that she left school.
c : What's the reason that there is no oxygen in space?
d : Is this the book which you were looking for?

his/her/their를 대신하는 관계대명사는 whose

a : Brian's car, _____ he bought then years ago, is quite small.
b : I have to read four books, all of ____ I borrowed from the library
c : There are several ways in ____ a fossil may be formed.
d : I would like a room ____ I can have plenty of sunshine.

장소를 나타내는 in과 which는 where로 바꿀 수 있다.

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.03.14  (0) 2007.03.14
Daily English 2007.03.13  (0) 2007.03.13
Daily English 2007.03.05  (0) 2007.03.05
Daily English 2007.02.28  (0) 2007.02.28
Daily English 2007.02.22  (0) 2007.02.22
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 3. 5. 11:59

Daily English 2007.03.05 생활/영어2007. 3. 5. 11:59

=> more readily; more willingly, in preference, somewhat. rather; a little
=> I would rather tell the truth
=> He is old and rather frail

=> the quality of being dedicated
=> We are grateful to Jack for his dedication and professionalism and we applaud his ability to be persuasive without being offensive.

building inspection
=> the examination of all the systems of buildings completed, often to find faults or mistakes
=> Certificate of occupancy will be withheld until such time as this Building Inspection Office is satisfied that building is in compliance with all codes.

=> the process of, an act of or a reasonable basis for, comparing
=> There is no comparison between the two restaurants.

=> an excess of production.
=> Sales items and overruns, all first-quality goods, can be found in our bargain basement.

=> the number of people who collectively attend a meeting. the number of people voting in an election
=> The charity event had an even greater turnout than expected.
=> Nearly 80 percent of eligible voters went to the polls for Friday's election, one of the nation's highest turnouts ever.

=> to drink in very small mouthfuls
=> The man is sipping on his drink.

1. Many of Quaker Oats products are now more popular overseas than they are _______.

(A) locale
(B) localy
(C) locality
(D) local

 => Many of ... are now more popular "overseas(해외에서 ; 부사) than they(many of 이하를 가리키는 대명사주어) are (popular:유명한, 알려진 의미의 중복으로 생략) "부사자리"

2. Most hotels are __________ located just outside the downtown area and are within walking distance from both the FLeet Convention Center and Prudential Towers.

(A) conveniently
(B) convening
(C) convene
(D) convenience

 => many hotels(주어) are ___ located(동사구 : 수동태) just outside the down...(부사구)
    locate를 수식하는 부사가 들어갈 자리

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.03.13  (0) 2007.03.13
Daily English 2007.03.12  (0) 2007.03.12
Daily English 2007.02.28  (0) 2007.02.28
Daily English 2007.02.22  (0) 2007.02.22
Daily English 2007.02.21  (0) 2007.02.21
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 2. 28. 10:00

Daily English 2007.02.28 생활/영어2007. 2. 28. 10:00

=> a secure position, esp. a firm basis for further progress or developement
=> When attempting to establish a new market, it is not uncommon for large companies to purchase smaller companies that already have a foothold in the market.

red meat
=> dark-coloured meat, eg beef or lamb
=> By following a proper dieet and by reducing consumption of certain foods, such as fats and red meat, you can lower your risk of developing certain types of cancer.

=> selected or named for a duty
=> The ranger I tallked to said we're only allowed to camp in designated areas, and can olny use existing fire pits - we can't dig new ones.

=> a supporter or advocate of something; someone who argues in favour or their cause
=> She was a avid propenent  of equal rights for immigrants.

=> to speed up, or assist the progress of something
=> After i receive your revised report, I will expedite the processing to get you your check without further delay.

=> the outer area; the edge; the part farthest from the main area or centre
=> It was a park with a fringe of trees.

=> freshness
=> A winter crispness fills the air, craft and gift shops deck their halls, and caroler serenade visitors and townsfolk alike with joyful Christmas songs.

A : Top of your class at Harvard. Magna cum laude, in fact. I can't help wordering what someone like you is doing in a prison.
B : Took a wrong turn a few months back.
A : You make it sound like a traffic infraction. Like all you did was turning the wrong way up a one-way street.
B : Everyone turns up one, sooner or later

A : 하버드 대학 우수학생에, 우등상 받고 졸업했다면서, 당신 같은 수재가 감옥에는 무슨 일인지 그 사연이 참 궁금하네
B : 몇 달 전 길을 좀 잘못 들었던 거죠.
A : 자네가 무슨 교통위반 한 것처럼 말하는군. 꼭 일방통행인 길에서 방향을 잘못 틀었던 것 뿐이라는 듯이 말이야.
B : 누구나 다 언젠가 한번쯤은 그럴 수 있는거 아닌가요

Politicians should be ________ the needs of ordinary citizens whose opinions are often suppressed by powerful interest groups and lobbyists.

A) spoken with
B) examined by
C) capable of
D) conscious of

The addresses of the teaching staff listed on the school website are more than ______ those in the student handbook.

A) recent
B) new
C) different
D) late

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.03.12  (0) 2007.03.12
Daily English 2007.03.05  (0) 2007.03.05
Daily English 2007.02.22  (0) 2007.02.22
Daily English 2007.02.21  (0) 2007.02.21
Daily Englinsh 2007.02.20  (0) 2007.02.20
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 2. 22. 09:39

Daily English 2007.02.22 생활/영어2007. 2. 22. 09:39

1. 자기소개
  Hi! This is Becky calling from YBM in Korea.
2. 전화목적
  I'm calling to ask some questions concerning the program.
3. 상황설명
  We received the program last month but we found several mistakes in the program manual.
4. 요구사항
  So could you please let me know when I can get the new manual?
5. 연락처
  You can contact me from 9 to 10 by the number of 123-4567.

=> of or pertaining to persons who walk into an office or store from the street without an appointment
=> Appointments are usually, required, but if you are injured or are too ill to wait for an appointment, you can be seen on a walk-in basis.

=> a person whose business is to provide food, supplies and service at social gatherings
=> A firm of caterers took care of her wedding party.

=> able to be compared; similar enough to allow comparison
=> If you do not handle a specific item on the list, but can provide an item comparable in color, design, and price, please provide a quote for that item.

=> the act of putting a person into a non-elective position
=> A lot of cloak-and-dagger activity was involved in the designation of the director.

=> Accepted as beyond question; undisputed
=> Due to the high quality of his work, Mr. Young will undoubtedly be promoted to Assitant Sales Manager next year.

=> relating of work
=> Many doctors, the report said, often have little or no experience with occupational health issues and as a result recommend that their patients take off work for longer that is necessary, which costs businesses money in lost productivity.

=> a sauce or pickle which adds such a flavor to food
=> The cook is adding a relish to the dish.

=> in a comparable method
=> Oils and perfumes can be placed comparably on the skin or poured in baths.

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.03.05  (0) 2007.03.05
Daily English 2007.02.28  (0) 2007.02.28
Daily English 2007.02.21  (0) 2007.02.21
Daily Englinsh 2007.02.20  (0) 2007.02.20
Daily English 2007.02.16  (0) 2007.02.16
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 2. 21. 16:39

Daily English 2007.02.21 생활/영어2007. 2. 21. 16:39

=> a place of business together with its employees, merchandise, equipment, etc.
=> There is an establishment where they sell used cloting Downtown.

first thing
=> before anything else
=> We were supposed to have those first thing this morning. What happend?

=> without effort or apparent effort
=> Sharpen your knives perfectly and effortlessly with EdgeMaster, the number one chefs' choice.

=> having a privile
=> As an ambassador, she enjoys a very privileged status.

=> to make up something artificial or untrue. to put together out of components or parts
=> Compared to borosilicates, alumniosilicates are much more difficult to fabricate.
=> Automobiles are being fabricated in this factory.

=> to admit to be true or correct
=> The government has conceded the new tax policy has been a disaster.

=> to entrust someone(to someone's care). to place reliance on, trust
=> The director wants us to confide the management of our distribution network.
=> You can confide in his good faith

=> marked by or showing deep sincerity or seiousness
=> I respect my parents earnestly.

A : Boss, actually, I didn't think it was appropriate to invite children to a New Year's party since there's alcohol and it's a school night.
B : why are you the way you are? Honestly, I try to do something fun, you always try to spoil it.
A : With all due respect, i still think I'm right on this one.
B : Good for you. I really hate your guts.

A : 사장님, 사실 아이들을 신년회에 초대하는 것은 적절하지 않다고 생각합니다.
    술도있고, 그리고 평일이라 아이들은 학교가야죠.
B : 도대체 왜 그러나? 솔직히, 내가 재미있거나 신나는 일을 하려고 할 때마다 넌 망쳐놓더라.
A : 죄송합니다만 이 문제는 제가 옳다고 생각합니다.
B : 잘났네, 당신 배짱이 정말 싫어.

Be sure to complete the last portion of the form, _______ it and keep it for future reference.
(A) write
(B) detach
(C) withdraw
(D) correspond

Because of the heavy traffic expected on the norgh-bound express way, the drivers are _____ to seek alternate routes.
(A) advising
(B) advisable
(C) advisory
(D) advised

advise : 당부하다, 권하다
  I advise you to visit the website to find out more information.
advise + 목적어 + to + V 의 수동형 => 목적어 + be advised


'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.02.28  (0) 2007.02.28
Daily English 2007.02.22  (0) 2007.02.22
Daily Englinsh 2007.02.20  (0) 2007.02.20
Daily English 2007.02.16  (0) 2007.02.16
◆ 원인/이유의 접속사  (0) 2007.02.15
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 2. 20. 09:50

Daily Englinsh 2007.02.20 생활/영어2007. 2. 20. 09:50

=> a list of the investments or securities held by an individual, company, etc
=> They are with large portfolios.

=> buying and selling at an international level. to buy and sell; to engage in trading
=> When you're in the kind of trade I'm in, you have to live by your wits.
=> Over-the counter stocks of our company are traded on two European exchanges at the moment.

=> expenses
=> To reduce consts, the brochures will be printed on recycled paper.

corner office
=> a luxury building with a great view
=> A local real estate developer plans to break ground on a corner office building in the heart of downtown in the next sixty days.

=> a temporary stoppage or slowing of traffic, telephone service, etc., as due to an accident of storm
=> Aubomobile accidents often cause trafic tie-ups

=> something needed or truly desirable
=> A must-have for highway engineers, roadway safety planners, and transportation officials.

=> away from the centre
=> The weather during our outward journey was beautiful.

=> to reprimand or rebuke
=> The women are scolding a student.

=> the act of conserving; the state of being conserved
=> The Metropolitan Wildlife Conservation Park is home to more than 4,000 animals, including some of the world's most endangered or threatened species.

다음 중 틀린 문장은?
a : Paula said that she didn't like the car.
b : Don'say you're leaving
c : Tell me about your family.
d : What did he say you?
    => What did he say to you?
e : Do you know what he did last night?
f : I don't remember whether I met him at the party.
g : Could you tell me where is she?
    => Could you tell me where she is?
h : Do you remember if he was there?

친구들로부터 들은 말을 다른 사람에게 옮긴 것이다. 틀린 것은?
a ) Rosa : I've never been to Paris.
    => Rosa said she had never been to Paris.
b ) Ben :"You look tired"
    => Ben said you look tired
 => Ben said I look tired.
c ) Mark : "My father quit smoking"
    => Mark said his father quit smoking.
d ) Kelly : I'm going to buy a car.
    => Kelly said she was going to buy a car.

The report identifies our competitors and characterizes their offerings, market share, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategies.
Officials see no reason for which the sale cannot go through as planned.
Special liners under the landfill prevent soil or groundwather comtamination.
The department will process your order in two to four weeks.

contaminate : 오염시키다
contamination : 오염
liner : (마멸 방지용)임힙쇠, 덧쇠
landfill : 쓰레기 매립지
groundwater : 지하수
go through : (일이 무사히)끝나다
as planned : 계획대로
go up : 오르다
go backward : 퇴보하다
offering : 팔 물건
distribution : (상품의)판매, 유통
substance : 물질

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.02.22  (0) 2007.02.22
Daily English 2007.02.21  (0) 2007.02.21
Daily English 2007.02.16  (0) 2007.02.16
◆ 원인/이유의 접속사  (0) 2007.02.15
◆ 목적/결과/양태/제한의 접속사  (0) 2007.02.15
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 2. 15. 09:25

Daily English 2007.02.15 생활/영어2007. 2. 15. 09:25

=> in an aircraft: the compartment for the pilot and crew
=> The piolts are about to enter the cockpit

convenience store
=> a small grocery shop that stays open after normal hours
=> To be successful, a convenience store has to have a good location and stay open long hours.

=> a splendid view from a high position
=> Meanwhile a new study says the diesease is killing people at nearly record leels up to 2 million
   worldwide each year. And researchers say vistas for bringing malaria under control are dim.

=> free of charge
=> Since 1998, fast-food restaurants have issued nine recalls involving more that 5 million of their giveaway.

=> a light, brief shower of snow. sudden commotion, excitement, or confusion
=> Snow flurries are expected this evening.
=> There was a flurry of activity in the emergency room when the hospital administrator was brought in after his automobile accident.

joint venture
=> a business enterprise in which two or more companies join forces for a specific business activity
=> The joint venture will launch a satelite system that will offer television and internet servides throughout Asia.

=> a rescue from financial difficulties
=> Goverments have to avoid protectionism, bailouts that cannot work and subsides just to keep industries alive.

=> said of a person: having little or no hair on their head.
=> The old man's bald head glistened in the sun.

=> decisive; critical
=> The new system is the official record of your time worked, so it is crucial that you remember to check in and out each day.

=> not needed
=> In the U.S. when a company begins to face difficulties and begins to lose money, workers are declared redundant and laid off.

=> overcorwded; closed in
=> They trade in their old ideas from trucks to cramped utilities vehicles to costly sedans.

award banquet
=> an elaborate formal dinner during awards
=> Many celebrities attended the award banquet.

=> to follow it; to happen after it.
=> Soldiers began firing on each other and a gun battle ensued.

Ms. Bovon is quite knowledgeable on the topic and feels that she is well qualified to speak on the matter at the conference.
Powerful new computers have allowed many corporations to reduce the number of workers and increase their productivity at the same time.

A : You are so hot today! Did you do your hair?
B : I didn't do anything. Why do you think so?
A : I dont' know. You look so beautiful today.
B : Are you pulling my leg?

A : I met a woman last night. Never met her before, but she seems to have a very poor opinion of me.
B : You think someone's out there spreading nasty rumors about you?
A : Worse. Someone's out there spread the truth about me. I'm totally bombed.
    Last night was probably the result of one woman with an ax to grind.

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

◆ 전치사의 용법  (0) 2007.02.15
전치사 총정리  (0) 2007.02.15
Daily English 2007.02.13  (0) 2007.02.13
Daily English 07.02.12  (0) 2007.02.12
Daily English 2007.02.06  (0) 2007.02.06
Posted by 뽀기
2007. 2. 1. 09:18

Daily English 07.02.01 생활/영어2007. 2. 1. 09:18

egg white
=> the white part of an egg
=> In another bowl, mix oil, egg white, water, and pumpkin.

jet lag
=> a temporary disruption of the body's normal biological rhythms after high-speed air travel through serveral time zones.
=> Experiencing jet lag, I almost fell asleep during the metting.

=> with firmness, with finality
=> His failure to act decisively became a major issue with voters.

=> to sleep during winter
=> The turtle hibernamtes in a shallow burrow for six months of the year.

=> violation, breach
=> Their publication of the book constitutes an infingement of copyright.

=> relating to any of the continents of the world
=> Would you like English or continentail breakfast? We also have a variety of breakfast food on our buffet

=> making something clearer and more easily understood
=> The students lapped up his illuminating lelcture.

plastic state

=> 마음이 잘 변하는, 변덕스러운
=> plastic에는 'phony, untrustworthy(가짜의, 못 믿을)'라는 뜻이 있습니다
    따라서 ' plastic people'은「못 믿을 사람」의 뜻이 됩니다.
    뜻이 확장되어 '정신이 유연한, 감수성이 예민한'의 뜻도 가지게 되어
    'plastic mind of youth'는 '젊은이의 예민한 마음'이라는 뜻이 됩니다
    'plastic state'는 한 상태에 고정되지 않고「수시로 잘 변하는, 즉 변덕스러운 상태」를 의미하는 표현입니다.

I can't stand people who talk during movies. ( ~ 동안에 )
I will have finished my homework by the time you get back from the store. (no later than)
She got angrier and angrier as she talked. (~ 함에 따라)

Most medical exports caution against fasting to lose weight.
The lake was frozen and we all went skating.
The slowing economy has decreased the number of initial public offerings(IPOs) made so far this year
We believe company profits will exceed expectations this year.

used to V (조동사) 과거에 ~ 하곤 했다(지금은 아니다)
I used to like him.

be used to R ~ 하기 위해 사용하다
The materials which was used to build the house.

be used to ~ing ~하는데 익숙해지다
He is used to driving a car.

used to VS would
The house used to be on the hill.(O)
The house would be on the hill.(X)
would는 과거의 상태를 나타내지 못한다.

'생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Daily English 2007.02.15  (0) 2007.02.15
Daily English 2007.02.13  (0) 2007.02.13
Daily English 07.02.12  (0) 2007.02.12
Daily English 2007.02.06  (0) 2007.02.06
Daily English 07.01.30  (0) 2007.01.30
Posted by 뽀기